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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Time for "Unplugged" Phase 2?
Date: 2003/04/12 23:09:49

Hi everyone,

I've been thinking about Seiko's "Music Station" appearance a few years ago. The local San Francisco Japanese station only showed 15 minutes of it (!!!!) to make room for a longer program that followed, but there was a segment that can only be described as "Seiko with a small rock group." It was Seiko in a dress (but not a "costume," just a "regular" nice short skirt) and her hair / makeup, although they were probably fussed over for hours, were not elaborate or intense. There were no special stage decorations, just Seiko and four or five musicians working through a couple of her songs. It was the kind of thing that made you say "I'd like to see more of this"...
Maybe something in the spirit of Zepp (but without a "Zepp look," just "natural Seiko" with a stripped-down band, no stage numbers, and focus where it should be...on the songs and the singer).
And yeah, no Shinji. It's not even worth mentioning anymore. Saying "please go away" over and over and over for the last few years has not resulted in him going away. There's even an old song called "How Can I Miss You If You Won't Go Away?"...when he's introduced on stage at the next Seiko concert, the audience ought to sing it to him...:-(
My Seiko Challenge for today is for all of you to get out your copies of "Forever Live" and watch Seiko strumming the electric guitar at the beginning of the concert. You can take out the tape / DVD after she sings "Can't Say Goodbye"...BUT NOT before!!!!!.....:-) This is the "Seiko I want to see and hear again"...and yes, Seiko, you can pick the songs.

Best regards,
