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Name: Vantic <E-mail>
Subject: 2 cents worth of fairness
Date: 2003/04/17 00:53:56

Regarding my 2 cents worth of fairness, maybe all these while, these
are the songs that seiko wishes to write but no producers want
to produce them becos of opinion differences.  As such, HS appear
to be the only one that is supporting her and encouraging her.   
As I recalled, based on shopgirl's translation of the newsletter, 
seiko said she is very sad that some fans are not supporting her
about her work lately. So maybe HS is the only one there all 
these while playing guardian angel to her.  As we can see seiko
always give credit to HS and praise him a lot.

Lately I have also discovered that seiko is beginning to sing
like him.  He acts like "phantom of the opera" teaching seiko
how to sing and explore her vocals. See seiko views him as her
ultimate fairy godfather. But sometimes it is too much already.  

Comment on her concerts lately,  lately I have find that the 
concerts from 20th party onwards is not fantastic at all (with
the existence of HS).  There is no power and energy at all.  
I always look forward to the opening and ending of the concerts
but not now... it has become very boring.  Last time I am always
proud to show off the concerts to my friends but not anymore.
If HS is that great then he should teach seiko how to dance 
and perform with more zeal and power since he is also involved
in the singing coaching.  But we can also blame it on that 
seiko is old already cannot jump up and down anymore but 
thats not true look at Madonna whom seiko look up to. 
Seiko you still have the energy.

Afterall, sigh, it is up to seiko to decide, I will not pressurise 
her anymore as I dont want her to end up like Leslie Cheung 
(what a waste even though I am not his fan).  Being a star is not
easy.  You can be very lonely up there.  Nobody to talk to and full
of insecurities.  Before fame, you fight all the way, after fame,
you fight to maintain to avoid being a falling star.
As such, never mind lah, I dun care who or whatever produce the 
ablum as long as I can hear seiko voice can already. If seiko is 
to give up everything I think I will die with her. Therefore I think
I should shut up and enjoy her sweet voice in my mind while shes still alive. (^^)