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Name: Eric <E-mail>
Subject: N America
Date: 2003/04/18 06:15:49

Hi Shopgirl and all fans
Perhaps Seiko is slowly penetrating N America market.
‘All to You’ was played at Fitness World - a big gym in
downtown Vancouver . It’s quite a surprise
because I have never heard of any Seiko songs played
publicly in North America, except in some Japanese restaurants
in Vancouver. One Japanese restuarant on Granville Street plays the
same tape every day. Half of the songs are old songs from Seiko.
But No. 19 and 15 on Billboard Dance Chart does not have much 
impact on mainstream TV or radios. I have not heard or seen
any of these songs being played on radio or music tv channels.
I have not heard any clubs in Vancouver playing the songs either, 
although I think the remixes are great and they are good
dance music.  When I was in HK in March, I got a chance
to DJ at a club in Soho, I played both songs and they were
very well received. Whenever I play All to You or Just for Tonight for private
parties in Vancouver, people ask me who’s that is and they love  
the songs.  Two clubs in Soho have a CD I mixed in Feb, opening with
Just for Tonight followed by 10 other dance remixes from other artists,
and the clubs may still playing it on weekdays when they don't have
a DJ. I think marketing is still a major weakness
for Seiko’s music (although there seems to have other issues for
her Japanese releases) . All to You is not available to the public, Just for Tonight is not sold at any stores in Vancouver or Seattle. I got my copy online.
If Seiko gets half the help any average artists is getting from their record
companies, I am sure that’s all she needs to build up her presence in N America because the 2 singles are refreshing and unique. It's new sound
for N America. 