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Name: Simon <E-mail>
Subject: Support
Date: 2003/04/21 00:16:02

I have been reading the forum and I guess I should put
in my opinion as there are a lot of powerful and strong views
about her latest work.
This is what I have noticed, Seiko's recent work- I buy it,
listen to it once and look at the photos, then it get put
away. The more "classical" works still gets a lot of play time
from me, especially the concert DVDs.
I don't particularly like HS, there is no chemistry or magic
in the songs. Boy, I miss Ryo Ogura! I never thought I would
write that. I still remember when he tripped and almost fell
over in Super Diamond Revolution concert.
I feel that we should still support Seiko, afterall, we are
THE MOST DEDICATED fans in the music world. We have to, high
or low, we should be there for Seiko. But, Seiko should respect
the fans' opinion as well. And we certainly should voice it.