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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Support
Date: 2003/04/23 12:36:12
Reference: msg/02877

Hi Simon and all,

You've mentioned something pretty important here, and that's the fact that a
performer who performs FOR A opposed to "having a day job" and
performing strictly for their own enjoyment, regardless of the compensation...
is in a RELATIONSHIP. They ARE accountable to their audience if they WANT
an audience. Some of it is about "art" and some is about "commerce." Having
a good product to sell, or having a bad / questionable, Shinji-fied one.

I think Seiko, no matter how "shielded" she may be from what is being said
about her, is a pretty "aware" person. She won't come right out and say 
"please don't attack Shinji" but she's smart enough to know that her FANS...
the LAST people in the world you'd ever expect to say anything negative about
her work...DID NOT openly criticize her with increasing intensity until
Shinji became a "regular." Still, she wants us to "understand."

I still think the root of it is the nature of Japanese business and the 
fact that relationships are the axis that the wheel spins on.

Seiko knows we are sick of Shinji, not sick of Seiko. She shows no signs of
"giving him the boot." 

My advice: buy "Ai Ai Ai 200% Pure Love" when it is released...or don't buy it.

Sad to say, we have gotten to the point where are choices are "bad new Seiko"
or "NO new Seiko." I prefer choice 3: "Dear Mom & Dad," "Angel," "Eien No
Shima," etc. etc. etc...:-) For me, these songs will never "get old"...

Best regards,


Date:4/21/1998. Simon 's message 

>I have been reading the forum and I guess I should put
>in my opinion as there are a lot of powerful and strong views
>about her latest work.
>This is what I have noticed, Seiko's recent work- I buy it,
>listen to it once and look at the photos, then it get put
>away. The more "classical" works still gets a lot of play time
>from me, especially the concert DVDs.
>I don't particularly like HS, there is no chemistry or magic
>in the songs. Boy, I miss Ryo Ogura! I never thought I would
>write that. I still remember when he tripped and almost fell
>over in Super Diamond Revolution concert.
>I feel that we should still support Seiko, afterall, we are
>THE MOST DEDICATED fans in the music world. We have to, high
>or low, we should be there for Seiko. But, Seiko should respect
>the fans' opinion as well. And we certainly should voice it.