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Name: Mike from Berkeley <E-mail>
Subject: Long time no see everyone!
Date: 2003/05/18 08:50:15

Dear Seiko fans,

As much as i'm a fan of seiko, her recent decision to collaborate with shinji harada was nothing but a disaster, to the point that i was really turned off by seiko music.  her voice is still great (as always), but with the type of songs shinji wrote, nothing is gonna save her.  but as a true seiko fan, i bought all her CDs with the mind that i might only listen to them once.

I just sampled her upcoming CD single "Call me" at Sony Music.  i must say, it sounds pretty good to me.  the sampling rate is pretty bad so i can't say for sure if the same type of music arrangement by shinji is used again.  but at least, it has chorus backing up seiko.  the melody is really good.  i'm looking forward to getting her CD once it comes out.

what do you all think of the new single?  and what happened to the original tentative CD single titled "kagami no naka no MYSELF" (no sure about the exact title)?

Mike from Berkeley 

p.s.  i wrote a few things here about a year ago.  but i guess no one here remembers me anymore :(  j/k