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Name: Shopgirl <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Long time no see everyone!
Date: 2003/05/18 14:41:12
Reference: msg/02909

Wow... this is amazing... it has been seven years already? I remember you too of course! :)
You were one of the first few people I contacted seven(or eight?)years ago, together
with Bill, Doogie and Willy, etc. I have changed my name since and I won't say it here,
so you might not recognise me. (Mail me if you need :))

I have said enough of Harada's quality of work and this single is not any different.
The cheap sounding instruments, the massive chorus, and horrid lyrics and lack of 
a distinction from just any other song or singers still makes my heart boil.
I am most dissatisfied that I could not hear the "specialness" of Seiko, making 
each additional release and performance a clearer indicator that she is just
one of the idol pack. There isn't any songs since Sound of Fire in the subsequent albums etc 
that I could honestly belive that they were written for her, taking into the account 
her vocal speciality etc. The arrangements, the lyrics, the keys were exactly the same 
when Harada decided to cover for his own albums or to sing on stage or in TV shows.... 
I can also imagine any of the other songs sung by any other singers... Yumin never sang 
Seiko's songs before, the arrangements done by Matsutoya were almost always exclusive for Seiko, 
ie you dont hear similar styles in the songs of other singers that he produced.

I will invest my money for future Re-releases from Sony, rather than this new single even if it is only $12.
The same goes for the summer/dinner tours.