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Name: Willie <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Hi Mike from Berkeley and all
Date: 2003/05/24 13:57:12
Reference: msg/02917

Hey Mike and everyone,

It is good to hear from you again. Gosh, has it been that long?
All I remember is that we moved our homes three times since then. haha... 

Has anybody seen the picture of this product?

Who does she look like?

Date:5/23/1998. Mike from Berkeley 's message 

>Hello Simon, Doogie, Mike from S.C., Shopgirl and everyone,
>Thanks so much for the warm welcome back (*^-^*)
>it's amazing how active this board was and still is for so long.  
>it's gotta be the magic of seiko's voice that keep this board going,
>and of course, a group of dedicated fans like us.
>thanks shopgirl and everyone else for keeping us updated with
>the latest gossip... :)
>Mike from Berkeley  
>Date:5/22/1998. Doogie 's message 
>>Hi Mike et all,
>>This is Doogie...I don't think I'm at the 7yr old mark,..but close to it 
>>I guess.
>>When I look back, it's not the years that surprise me,'s the mileage.
>>Oh, and we prefer to say H.S.,...not S.H.  (inside joke between me and shopgirl)
>>Keep in touch,.. at least more than once a year.  :)