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Name: Simon <E-mail>
Subject: A Touching Moment
Date: 2003/05/28 01:18:03

Last night I was watching last year's summer Jewel Box concert.
Sayaka came out and sang "EverSince" which by the way is a very
nice song. Then Seiko cried and ran off stage, towards the end
of the song, Seiko came back out and was supposed to join in with
Sayaka, but she was all choked up with emotion and could not
sing a single word, Sayaka with great poise continued without
skipping a beat. At that moment, different feelings hit me. I
see this beautiful mother-daughter relationship, who knows how many 
hours Seiko caoched her, but to see finally her daughter on stage 
first time, maybe the beginning of a career. I guess I would get 
emotional too. 

But also for the first time, Seiko look her age, middle age,
don't get me wrong, I hope my wife would look as good when she's
40. We tend to hold on to our past, associate things with the
best years of our lives. For me, all time stopped in the late 80's
and early 90's, those were the days when I had to watch a Seiko
concert LD every night before I went to bed. I would travel around
the world buying up everything Seiko. These days are gone I guess,
with age comes responsibilities, there is never enough time in a 
day. Our passions have not changed, it's just harder to find time
for it.

I have video footages of Sayaka as an infant being brought
home by her parents. Now she's this young girl singing a duet
with her mother. Beyond all those polka dot dresses, the Minnie
mouse ears, the fruit hats. Not only did I see Seiko looking older,
I saw myself aged as well.

Sorry I wasted your time rambling on about this. But our Seiko
somehow always reach deep in our soul and make us laugh or cry.

I think I need to go back to Mexico, put on 9th Wave in the walkman 
and lie under a coconut tree and have a falling coconut knock some 
youth back in me.