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Name: Doogie <E-mail>
Subject: Re: A Touching Moment
Date: 2003/05/28 03:02:24
Reference: msg/02923

Simon,....  can we join you.   :)

Date:5/28/1998. Simon 's message 

>Last night I was watching last year's summer Jewel Box concert.
>Sayaka came out and sang "EverSince" which by the way is a very
>nice song. Then Seiko cried and ran off stage, towards the end
>of the song, Seiko came back out and was supposed to join in with
>Sayaka, but she was all choked up with emotion and could not
>sing a single word, Sayaka with great poise continued without
>skipping a beat. At that moment, different feelings hit me. I
>see this beautiful mother-daughter relationship, who knows how many 
>hours Seiko caoched her, but to see finally her daughter on stage 
>first time, maybe the beginning of a career. I guess I would get 
>emotional too. 
>But also for the first time, Seiko look her age, middle age,
>don't get me wrong, I hope my wife would look as good when she's
>40. We tend to hold on to our past, associate things with the
>best years of our lives. For me, all time stopped in the late 80's
>and early 90's, those were the days when I had to watch a Seiko
>concert LD every night before I went to bed. I would travel around
>the world buying up everything Seiko. These days are gone I guess,
>with age comes responsibilities, there is never enough time in a 
>day. Our passions have not changed, it's just harder to find time
>for it.
>I have video footages of Sayaka as an infant being brought
>home by her parents. Now she's this young girl singing a duet
>with her mother. Beyond all those polka dot dresses, the Minnie
>mouse ears, the fruit hats. Not only did I see Seiko looking older,
>I saw myself aged as well.
>Sorry I wasted your time rambling on about this. But our Seiko
>somehow always reach deep in our soul and make us laugh or cry.
>I think I need to go back to Mexico, put on 9th Wave in the walkman 
>and lie under a coconut tree and have a falling coconut knock some 
>youth back in me.