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Name: Benjamin Lee <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Ask for help
Date: 2003/06/08 23:55:07
Reference: msg/02942

'Call Me' is so good.  I especially like the 'Chrous'

Galileo, I can play in my CD player with no problem.  I don't 
know how to help.  But do you have another CD player?
Or can you try your friends one?

Galileo, will you go to Seiko's concert.

Glad to know you as a fan in HK.  Siu Bee, Malthus 
and Sibelo are all crazy fans in HK.  Welcome to the family.

Keep in touch.

If anybody can buy 'Call Me' in your area, try

Benjamin Lee

Date:6/8/1998. Malthus 's message 

>i think u should try another cd player.......
>good luck ^^ i am from HK too