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Name: Siu Bee <E-mail>
Subject: Concert news
Date: 2003/06/16 14:43:28

Dear friends,

May be you should not read the followings if you plan to see Seiko's concert!!

News report:
Seiko's concert tour started on 15 June at the Saitama Super Arena.
Around 11,000 fans were there.  Starting from "Call Me' till the end,
total 23 songs were sung.

Sayaka also performed her new song "Garden" which will be released on
20 August.  It is a year after last time, when Sayaka stepped on the stage
in last year's concert tour and Seiko cried emotionly.  They also performed
the Cooked Curry CM sence.

After the show, around 35 lucky fans were invited to the backstage.  Each
had given a chance to shake hand with Seiko (hey, was it an impressive
idea caused by our lucky Doogie dinner show story??!! ;-)

Also, it is confirmed this year will have a countdown party at Osaka Hall

Some pics:

Siu Bee