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Name: Yun <E-mail>
Subject: Re: How to get tickets?
Date: 2003/06/16 22:10:34
Reference: msg/02963

Hi Benjamin and other fans,

I am a fan in Singapore. I am thinking of seeing the one in Tokyo, on the 31st of Jul. Or the one in Fukuoka, on the 19th.

Is there online booking available? How much do the best tickets cost? Have the tickets been sold out already?


Date:6/13/1998. Benjamin Lee 's message 

>Where are you from?  Tell us which concert and 
>we may help.  I might go to Osaka.
>Benjamin Lee
>Date:6/13/1998. Yun 's message 
>>Dear Seiko fans in japan,
>>I am planning to see Seiko in concert this year, can someone advise me how
>>to go about getting tickets? This is my first live concert!