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Name: Benjamin Lee <E-mail>
Subject: Re: How to get tickets?
Date: 2003/06/17 00:44:17
Reference: msg/02972


The tickets on Osaka is still bidding in Yahoo Japan.
I'm sure the Tokyo concerts tickets are still avail.
for bidding
My colleague in HK said when you go to Japan, you can find
ticket booths for 2nd hand tickets although it will be 
higher than the regular price of Y7500.

Your choice is :-

-Bidding in Yahoo although some do not accept foreign bidders.
-Go to Japan and visit those ticket booths.
-Ask a friend in Japan to buy for you.
-Go direct to Buddokan on that date.  Some guys may sell tickets
at higher price.



>Hi Benjamin and other fans,
>I am a fan in Singapore. I am thinking of seeing the one in Tokyo, on the 31st of Jul. Or the one in Fukuoka, on the 19th.
>Is there online booking available? How much do the best tickets cost? Have the tickets been sold out already?
>>>Yun6/13/1998. Benjamin Lee 's message 