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Name: Doogie <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Concert news
Date: 2003/06/17 06:07:17
Reference: msg/02973

Just remember to bring your flag and a fat black marker pen.  Maybe a nice cushion for Seiko to kneel on when she signs it for you.  :)

Date:6/17/1998. Mike from S.C. 's message 

>Hi Siu Bee and all,
>You know, I was reading your post and had an idea...Seiko should start a new
>annual tradition and call it the "Lucky Doogie Dinner" the end of each
>concert a lucky fan and his / her guests could go backstage to meet Seiko and
>have a nice dinner.
>Of course, knowing Doogie, he will be the first one to enter THAT contest...:-)
>Best regards,
>PS...I did end up ordering "Call Me" from Kinokuniya and should have it in a
>week or so. No way of knowing what version they will get, but I will scan 
>whatever arrives and post it on SMF....:-)
>Date:6/16/1998. Siu Bee 's message 
>>Dear friends,
>>May be you should not read the followings if you plan to see Seiko's concert!!
>>News report:
>>Seiko's concert tour started on 15 June at the Saitama Super Arena.
>>Around 11,000 fans were there.  Starting from "Call Me' till the end,
>>total 23 songs were sung.
>>Sayaka also performed her new song "Garden" which will be released on
>>20 August.  It is a year after last time, when Sayaka stepped on the stage
>>in last year's concert tour and Seiko cried emotionly.  They also performed
>>the Cooked Curry CM sence.
>>After the show, around 35 lucky fans were invited to the backstage.  Each
>>had given a chance to shake hand with Seiko (hey, was it an impressive
>>idea caused by our lucky Doogie dinner show story??!! ;-)
>>Also, it is confirmed this year will have a countdown party at Osaka Hall
>>Some pics:
>>Siu Bee