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Name: Doogie <E-mail>
Subject: Re: WARNING: Contains Seiko Live details
Date: 2003/06/17 06:13:45
Reference: msg/02976

Shopgirl,.......  I've been waiting countless days, weeks, months to read
something so positive about Seiko's performance.  I'm finding it very difficult
to work!!!!, I guess you are going to more than just 1 concert this year?   :)

Date:6/17/1998. Shopgirl 's message 

>Dear everyone,
>I wish I have one full day to write all the details. But I will sum up my 
>feelings at the end of the show, and let you know the details at a later date, 
>maybe. What I truly felt, why I enjoyed it so much, why this is the best of 
>best so far:
>-The Seiko we know is back, the aura of "Seiko-only on Stage" "The passion, the 
>love for the work" are back (maybe not all and maybe some new, whatever who 
>cares? the important thing is there is enough of it )
>-Whatever that we had loved her for especially in the 90s, the fight, the fire, 
>the passion, the standard and quality, I saw it. I experienced it last night 
>again. The excitment, the genuinity, the unfakeness last night were tantamount
>to the summer version of the Zepp in 1999. This is one concert the is the Seiko 
>that I will go miles to introduce my friends, strangers, anyone to. This is the 
>Seiko that I have no second thoughts and want to show/talk about 
>people why I like Seiko. From now on, I would only need to show just show the 
>recording of her performance, and the reaction of the audience, EVERYONE of them.
>-The band, the dancers were nothing more than in their supportive role. They 
>were faceless, and ornaments which should have been all along. There were no 
>wanna-take-the-limelight scenes or any one point of time where you find
>yourself wondering if Seiko had only been a guest-star in a circus. Yes it is 
>still the same band, 4dancers. But without all the numerous gimmicks we saw at 
>the Dinnershows, Summer Tours, Countdown since 2000 to 2002. The end result was 
>every fan left the hall with talk just about Seiko, the show was 110% hers, 
>about her and about her songs.
>-The best was I could hardly feel yesterday that there was any strong 
>indication of HS involvement. ie you do not think hey, this is produced by HS. 
>That distinctive cheap, mediocre, passionateless-just-make-money-and-go style, 
>which we saw with HS were G-O-N-E, at least in last night's performance. The 
>band was just a band, stayed that way (the horrid leather pants and that 
>transparent mash black t-shirt still exist tho'). After three years and 
>countless shows, I finally did not have to endure watching him taking every 
>opportunity desperately and boldly to tell everyone that he is on stage. In 
>today's papers, there was nothing written about him even though we had one duet 
>song. There was not even one scream of "s-h-i-n-j-i" coz t-h-e-y knew the show 
>was SEIKO this time and she is back.
>-The concept of the entire performance was flawless. The selection of the songs 
>were simply breathe-taking from song#2. The visual (stage set/lightings/etc) 
>was first-class ie not just $$$ budget but right $$$ budget and carefully 
>designed for each song. Notice I said "each song" not "concert part one or 
>two". The clothes were back to the standards of early 90s ie classy, and 
>adjusted to our current Seiko, ie not 80s or 90s or 70s. 
>-Individually each of the above element was super, but the magic was very much 
>in how they blended so well with each other and most importantly still have the 
>song and Seiko taking center-stage. She did not even have to woo the crowd, 
>they/we were estactic. When she sang#2 the crowd just stood still motionless 
>all standing. I can never describe the mood when the first note was played and 
>we recognized what that song was. "No way" " impossible", "maybe just the 
>music" but no, she sang and time stood still. I swear there were people with 
>their mouths opened wide and some forgetting to breathe.
>-Forget about the single being a so-so song and written by HS, forget about the 
>fact that the band is still there. I didn't even bother about the luck draw to 
>meet her backstage, now did the crowd want to have a second encore. The show 
>was that fantastic and satisfying. The crowd even the last rows, kept standing 
>the entire show throughout. Whether she did it alone or not it is irrelevent, 
>Seiko is in control again and that Seiko Magic is back and alive. 
>-I still think that we didn't need to have SAYAKA in the show, to have 
>Natsumono Gatari duet with HS, and of course HS. I am already saying for sure 
>that this tour is going to be as classic as Zepp even when them in.
>Can you imagine the extent of perfection had these items been removed? 
>If you are hestitating to come, thinking when to come.... this is it. COME!!! 
>This year is the concert to go. It will make up for all the disappointments and 
>frustrations since 2000 and Harada. If you think you have only one chance to 
>see Seiko Live in your lifetime, this is the one. I am not taking chances, who 
>knows what if that HS is going to make a "comeback" in the dinnershow or even 
>in the next show. Arghhhhh! enjoy it now. This is the year that you would come 
>closest to taste the "Seiko Live and Magic", that was lost in the last three years. 
>... yes, get out of the way HS and stay out there ! coz' our Seiko is back and so are we! 
>Ps. It has been three years since 1999 that I wrote with any passion and with 
>this much of it. It is good to be back. 