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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: More than I expected, less than I hoped for...
Date: 2003/06/21 03:54:09

Hi everyone,

I got my copy of "Call Me" today. For my tastes I think it's one of the better
Harada songs, but at this point, what does that really mean? I found the 
thump of the bass and the computerized drums (techno-weenie trademarks of
Mr. S) to be really inappropriate for the song. On the other hand, I think
the only way that I will probably ever listen to "Ai Ai Ai 100% Pure Love"
a second time is if someone holds a gun on me while I do it, so I guess it's
an improvement...('s probably my least favorite Seiko song of
ALL offense to anyone who likes it)...

It's very, very challenging to remain a loyal follower of Seiko's ongoing work
when you own the songs from the Ryo years (not to mention the "Idol" stuff,
which I think is superior to the works of Mr. Black Mesh Shirt as well).

I don't know...if we keep moving in this direction, especially with Harada
scaling back his on-stage primping and preening, it may be possible to 
one day accept him as a "permanent member of the family." 

Doubtful, but MAYBE. Seiko without the magic is better than no Seiko...right?


Best regards,
