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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: More than I expected, less than I hoped for...
Date: 2003/06/21 10:09:20
Reference: msg/02986

Hi Mike and all,

Yes, one thing that has not changed is that Seiko can still make me weak in
the knees for reasons other than Harada's songwriting...:-)

I posted a large scan of the back photo from the "regular" single on SMF III
today ( I loved the photo so much I spent a half
hour with Photoshop's "stamp" tool removing the bar code and song credits...:-)

You may have stumbled onto something with your comment about HS and his
"cheesy arrangement," though...I don't think the problem lies primarily in
the songs themselves (other than Ai Ai Ai)'s when HS overdubs layer after
layer after layer of fake, synthesized strings, drum loops and bass beats. 
Maybe if someone else with a more warm and natural touch who favored REAL
instruments instead of computerized tripe. I kind of liked the whole "fly
high to the new sky, hey now" business from "Sound Of Fire" maybe Harada
has strengths AND weaknesses and the strengths need to be emphasised and 
OTHER participants need to handle the areas in which he is weak.

Just a thought. Maybe if she does a follow-up to Area 62 we'll end up with an
even better J-single to follow...:-) And yes, RYO IS KING. Seiko may be the
actual Genie In The Bottle, but Ryo knew how to rub it and make her come out
to play. To be completely fair, though, whenever giving credit to the 
legendary Seiko-Ryo team it's good to include Yuji Toriama for his AMAZING
arrangements. I listened to "Koisuru Omoi" and "Can't Say Goodbye" last night
and they STILL knock me out, FIVE YEARS LATER...:-)

Best regards,


Date:6/21/1998. Mike from Berkeley 's message 

>Hi Mike,
>I couldn't agree more with you on your thoughts on "Call me."  
>I've never had the courage to put "ai ai ai 100% pure love," 
>and any other songs produced by H.S. for that matter, to my iPod playlist.  this time the melody is pretty good, although the arrangement is very cheesy.  but, i decided to load it into my iPod.
>have to say this though, the covers of the limited and regular edition of "Call me" single are spectacular.  
>i bought the regular from Yesasia and bid the limited on Ebay.  
>yeah, i just have to have both :P
>I really really hope i'll see one day a new song produced by seiko and ryo and arranged by toriyama yuji.  
>nothing can go wrong with these golden combination.
>Mike from B
>Date:6/21/1998. Mike from S.C. 's message 
>>Hi everyone,
>>I got my copy of "Call Me" today. For my tastes I think it's one of the better
>>Harada songs, but at this point, what does that really mean? I found the 
>>thump of the bass and the computerized drums (techno-weenie trademarks of
>>Mr. S) to be really inappropriate for the song. On the other hand, I think
>>the only way that I will probably ever listen to "Ai Ai Ai 100% Pure Love"
>>a second time is if someone holds a gun on me while I do it, so I guess it's
>>an improvement...('s probably my least favorite Seiko song of
>>ALL offense to anyone who likes it)...
>>It's very, very challenging to remain a loyal follower of Seiko's ongoing work
>>when you own the songs from the Ryo years (not to mention the "Idol" stuff,
>>which I think is superior to the works of Mr. Black Mesh Shirt as well).
>>I don't know...if we keep moving in this direction, especially with Harada
>>scaling back his on-stage primping and preening, it may be possible to 
>>one day accept him as a "permanent member of the family." 
>>Doubtful, but MAYBE. Seiko without the magic is better than no Seiko...right?
>>Best regards,