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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Seiko as a special guest in a club
Date: 2003/06/25 02:39:17
Reference: msg/02992

Hi Siu Bee and all,

Arigato gozaimasu for the're right, Seiko's looking good. It's 
almost like a cross between the "natural" woman from the "Forever" era and
the earlier, wilder stage presence of concerts like "1992 Novelle Vague." It's
hard to tell because these photos were taken under stage lighting but I don't
see a lot of makeup...which is GOOD, because Seiko doesn't need it and in the
past has sometimes looked more like a player in Kabuki theater than the
beautiful woman that she is...:-)

It's funny...all through Seiko's career she has been called "The Japanese
Madonna." Now, with Madonna in her 40s and her career peak well behind her
(most of her new "shocking" moves are met in the U.S. these days with a
resounding "who cares")...maybe it is time to start calling Madonna "The
American Seiko"...:-)

Best regards,


Date:6/24/1998. Siu Bee 's message 

>So sexy!
>Content of the news are summarized and roughly translated as followings:
>Seiko Matsuda (41), a singer, participates in the club event at 
>the club "OZON" in Naka-ku, Nagoya-shi as a secret guest the other day. 
>After the dance show currently held at the hall, a chairman introduced
>saying "The secret guest is coming." When Seiko appeared in the black 
>dress figure from the stage sleeve, about 500 young men's voltage
>became the climax. Seiko "it is Seiko. How do you do. It greeted, 
>"Were you fine?", and sang about "just for tonight" which was released in
>the United States last year. This guerrilla live was realized from 
>DJ who works Nagoya at a base, and TAKI-SHIT having taken charge of 
>the remix of Seiko's new song "Call me." The 2nd music sang 
>"chameleon" ardently at the remix of "Call me", and the last. 
>The performance was for about 12 minutes -- enjoying oneself -- 
>"-- let's meet again."
>Siu Bee