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Name: Doogie <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Seiko as a special guest in a club
Date: 2003/06/25 08:32:39
Reference: msg/02993

Mike,... errrr, it is alot of 'good' makeup.  It's not a bad thing, but
necessary for anyone on stage to look good under all those lights.
Even H*ly-Sh*t wears it,...but I think on a daily basis.  

Date:6/25/1998. Mike from S.C. 's message 

>Hi Siu Bee and all,
>Arigato gozaimasu for the're right, Seiko's looking good. It's 
>almost like a cross between the "natural" woman from the "Forever" era and
>the earlier, wilder stage presence of concerts like "1992 Novelle Vague." It's
>hard to tell because these photos were taken under stage lighting but I don't
>see a lot of makeup...which is GOOD, because Seiko doesn't need it and in the
>past has sometimes looked more like a player in Kabuki theater than the
>beautiful woman that she is...:-)
>It's funny...all through Seiko's career she has been called "The Japanese
>Madonna." Now, with Madonna in her 40s and her career peak well behind her
>(most of her new "shocking" moves are met in the U.S. these days with a
>resounding "who cares")...maybe it is time to start calling Madonna "The
>American Seiko"...:-)
>Best regards,
>Date:6/24/1998. Siu Bee 's message 
>>So sexy!
>>Content of the news are summarized and roughly translated as followings:
>>Seiko Matsuda (41), a singer, participates in the club event at 
>>the club "OZON" in Naka-ku, Nagoya-shi as a secret guest the other day. 
>>After the dance show currently held at the hall, a chairman introduced
>>saying "The secret guest is coming." When Seiko appeared in the black 
>>dress figure from the stage sleeve, about 500 young men's voltage
>>became the climax. Seiko "it is Seiko. How do you do. It greeted, 
>>"Were you fine?", and sang about "just for tonight" which was released in
>>the United States last year. This guerrilla live was realized from 
>>DJ who works Nagoya at a base, and TAKI-SHIT having taken charge of 
>>the remix of Seiko's new song "Call me." The 2nd music sang 
>>"chameleon" ardently at the remix of "Call me", and the last. 
>>The performance was for about 12 minutes -- enjoying oneself -- 
>>"-- let's meet again."
>>Siu Bee