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Name: Benjamin Lee <E-mail>
Subject: The Osaka Concert
Date: 2003/07/01 21:47:20

Dear Fans,

Would like to share with you how excited the Osaka concert was.  
I attend the June 28th show and it was FULL HOUSE.  You can be 
very excited when you see any Seiko's DVD at home, but it is so 
much different and better when seeing Seiko on live.  It was so 
intense during the show and the climax was when she started 
singing 'Rock N Rouge', 'Natsu no Tabida' and 'Taisetsu na anata'.
Yes, they are the same 6 or 7 songs every year at the end but 
everybody was dancing, waving, singing and out of control when 
these classics are performed.  Even the 'quiet' audience who were
seating were singing along.  When Sayaka was 'interviewed' by 
eiko, I observed the audience and many of her fans were showing
a happy face.  It is true.  I hate to use the word 'aunties', but
these aunties were so glad to see Seiko has a daughter that inherited
her music gene. 

I was lucky to seat with a guy in the same row and he was out of
control during the whole show yelling 'Seiko Chan, Seiko Chan¡K',
'Ganbatte Sayaka' and when Seiko announced that fans can vote for
3 songs he yelled 'Aijing by Matsuyakko'. He added so much fun in
our area!!

Who says 'Call Me' is not selling?  2 people had bought the single
in the row in front of me (this is only one row and there are
hundreds of row in the hall!)  These fans are grown up and maybe
they are very busy at work so they wait until the concert to buy
the single.  If they were to buy in the first week, we would
definitely see a Top 10 hit of Seiko.  It is also why some idols'
new single debuted in the Top 10 and dropped so fast.  Although we
don't care about no.1 or Top 10 so much nowadays, we must support
Seiko's record sales!

The last show I attended was 1996 and I have no regret on spending
so much money to participate this year.  (I also get many second hand
CDs in Den Den Town :>) The 2003 show is definitely better than the
1996 show.  If everybody went to the previous shows before and agreed
with my message, we should start putting $ into the coin bank and
start planning for the 24th or 25th party!

Thanks for the person(s) who purchased the ticket for me.

One important message: 'Call Me' special edition is all SOLD OUT.
I check about 7 or 8 new record stores!

Benjamin Lee