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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Nouvelle Vague
Date: 2003/07/15 11:17:22
Reference: msg/03015

Hi Doogie and all,

Maybe a 25th anniversary card would be a good idea. My thoughts after doing
the first one were "this can only be done once or it's not special" and
"this came out so well, what's there to improve on?"

And I don't mean it came out well because of me or what I did with it, it came
out well because each and every person who contributed really put some thought
and "a piece of themselves" into what they wrote. And that photo that Alvin's a "Seiko Fan Dream Come True" right there in living color...

I don't know, if it's something that should be done I hope that others will
speak up and echo your sentiments. Sometimes special things are special once,
not twice...ya know what I mean? Like the saying goes, "don't mess with

I'll leave it to "group vote" and see what happens...:-) We'll give the new
fans a chance to speak out, as well as "the elders"...:-)

Of course, Doogie, YOU will be obligated to send a photo so that you
can write something like "Seiko, you sang Strawberry Time to me and I haven't
washed my ears since...remember?" HA HAAAAAA!

Best regards,


Date:7/15/1998. Doogie 's message 

>I was watching the concert Nouvelle Vague last night while flossing my teeth,
>(hey what else to do while flossing?),.. and couldn't help but notice the
>date,...1992,....gee, that's over 10 years ago.  And then I remembered what
>Simon was saying about how we are all reminded that we are all aging too.
>But still, I find that the meaning of Seiko never gets old,..the meaning just
>gets deeper..and a constant reminder that anything,..and everything is possible
>as long as you are willing to work hard for it.
>Mike; time to make another card for Seiko,..maybe a 25th anniv. card for her
>that you can hand to her personally in 2005.  And maybe then we'll see your
>own 'personal experience with Seiko' stories posted there.  :)