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Name: Benjamin Lee <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Vote for Chameleon in Japan's No1 Karaoke Megabox
Date: 2003/07/18 01:22:02
Reference: msg/03020


I can't.  I just typed 'Benjamin Lee' for name
and 'very good' for comments and get
a message...'.....something 'MASEN'

I first typed more than 50 characters and get

Is it because I must type Japanese name?

Pls. help.

Other fans please support.

Benjamin Lee

Date:7/17/1998. Shopgirl 's message 

>Hi all,
>The fever of Just For Tonight, and Chameleon is catching on with each live show.
>Reason is simple, the beat, the melody and the performance in this year's tour.
>Pasela is a top Karaoke Mega Chain in Japan that boost of the most songs in karaoke in Japan. 
>To date there are about >250songs available of Seiko's. However there is none from
>the album AREA62. Here is your chance to vote for Chameleon which is going up the
>request chart of the month. Currently at #32.
>Go to this link, click 21-40 at the bottom, look for Seiko and click the second box
>from the right. Put in your comments, max 50 letters and let's get Chameleon up this chart.