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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Vote for Chameleon in Japan's No1 Karaoke Megabox
Date: 2003/07/18 04:35:15
Reference: msg/03021

Hi Benjamin and all,

You just need to go slow and follow Shopgirl's instructions exactly. The only
thing that she left out is that when you are typing in the message, the
"submit" button is the long one on the left (there is one long one and two
shorter ones). If you read Japanese fluently, you probably already know
that. If you don't, it's the long button...:-)

It worked for me because I checked my message afterward to make sure it was

"Best wishes to Seiko for her continued success!(Mike from S.C.)"

Ha HA!!!!!! The blonde haired, blue eyed gaijin strikes again...:-)

Best regards,


Date:7/18/1998. Benjamin Lee 's message 

>I can't.  I just typed 'Benjamin Lee' for name
>and 'very good' for comments and get
>a message...'.....something 'MASEN'
>I first typed more than 50 characters and get
>Is it because I must type Japanese name?
>Pls. help.
>Other fans please support.
>Benjamin Lee
>Date:7/17/1998. Shopgirl 's message 
>>Hi all,
>>The fever of Just For Tonight, and Chameleon is catching on with each live show.
>>Reason is simple, the beat, the melody and the performance in this year's tour.
>>Pasela is a top Karaoke Mega Chain in Japan that boost of the most songs in karaoke in Japan. 
>>To date there are about >250songs available of Seiko's. However there is none from
>>the album AREA62. Here is your chance to vote for Chameleon which is going up the
>>request chart of the month. Currently at #32.
>>Go to this link, click 21-40 at the bottom, look for Seiko and click the second box
>>from the right. Put in your comments, max 50 letters and let's get Chameleon up this chart.