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Name: gogonaggy <E-mail>
Subject: Re: One more encore song yesterday?(disregard my last message)
Date: 2003/08/01 22:13:19
Reference: msg/03028

Yes, you're right.
Seiko sang "Kagayaita-kisetsu-e-tabidatou"@and nothing more 
for the second encore performance on the 1st day @ Buddokan.

Also, SAYAKA was requested "Ever Since" and performed it.

But the happiest moment on the 1st day came when Seiko said
"Akai-Sweetpea wa watashini-totte taisetsu na kyoku DASU".
For those who don't understand Japanese, it means in English
"Akai sweetpea is precious to me"
but with old Fukuoka dialect,"dasu".

"desu" was what she wanted to say.
"dasu" is a dialectal expression which you don't hear today
 even in Fukuoka.  It sounds really old and masculine.
So it was very funny.  

Everybody laughed hard.  So did Seiko.
After that, Seiko added "dasu" at the end of every sentence
which was supposed to end with "desu" and made audience laugh a lot.
 At last, she said she didn't think she could forget
that night performance because of that.

One more interesting thing was somebody asked Seiko
what would be the next single from Area 62!! 
Seiko asked the guy what he would like to be?
He replied "Chameleon".  Seiko replied "me too".
Seiko didn't say that there was a plan or not
but she said she was looking forward to it.
What do you think?

I am not sure if I made myself understood, Siu Bee.
Excuse me for my so-broken English.

I should have corrected what I wrote before I posted.