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Name: Shopgirl
Subject: Re: Simply Awesome! Finale at Budokan shows.
Date: 2003/08/02 12:21:07
Reference: msg/03032
One more item to add on the "dasu" incident which had everyone roaring with laughter was
after the "dasu" drama kind of ended and we went back to Seiko's usual self. It
was just before she sang the Akai Sweet Pea song, and encouraged the crowd to sing their
hearts out as if they each had a mike and each was singing for the
Budokan crowd. Then came a loud respond from one of the male fan from the far
back loud and clear, screaming as a reply "Yes I understand Dasu" ie "Wakarimashita dasu!"
Spontaneous and hilarious. It was Seiko Live Magic.
The last two days at Budokan was simply magnificant. It was simply MAGIC.
I can't say more. The mood was a time skip from Zepp direct to now. I never thought
I would experience it again from the crowd from Seiko, and from crowd+Seiko at the
same time.
How I wished the live was recorded on these both days.... the final night was a show
that could bring tears to me just me thinking about it.