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Name: Siu Bee <E-mail>
Subject: Re: One more encore song yesterday?(disregard my last message)
Date: 2003/08/02 12:29:36
Reference: msg/03032

Dear gogonaggy,

Thank you sooooooooooo much for the information.
It is really funny!

In one of the Osaka shows, Sayaka also sang "Ever Since".

About Seiko's funny dialect, she played with the words "Hachu gachu"
(sorry about the incorrect spelling) when she said there will be a DVD
release in August.  Although I did not understand exactly, from the 
feedback of the audiences, I know it's something interesting!

Ahh..."Me, too!" I like "Chameleon" to be the next single!  If it can have
the MV made like what she did for the concert, that will be really nice!
I particularly like the "teacher" and the "police" looks. :-)

After Chameleon, the next next one can be "Let's fall in love again"!

Thanks again gogonaggy!

Siu Bee