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Name: gogonaggy <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Fantastic Budokan: Magic Night of all magical nights
Date: 2003/08/04 11:03:07
Reference: msg/03038

The very first night of this tour @ Saitama Super Arena was recorded for the
DVD.  On that night she implied TV Asahi(BS Asahi) would broadcast the show
 before the release.  Actually she said "TBS is recording this show." 
This was a huge mistake for her.  I just hoped nobody from TV Asahi
heard her say it.

Shopgirl, I also thank you for your report.
I wished I could experience that night.
After I came back from the 7/31 Budokan show, I knew the next night
8/1 would be magical.  Those who went to Saitama Super Arena, the opening
night, most likely come back at the finale.
So I could imagine.
I also went to Saitama but I didn't think I could wait til 8/1.
Thank you for sharing the wonderful information.