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Name: Doogie <E-mail>
Subject: Budokan
Date: 2003/08/05 13:59:20

Hi Shopgirl, Siu Bee, Gogonaggy, etc.
Thank you for letting us know about the 'Magic'.  Reading all your reports
are quite touching.
Shopgirl, I'm really so happy to know you have gone to see so many shows, 
especially since you hinted at only going to 1 or 2 this summer... you must
have been saving by eating all those REBARS,.. ha ha.
Siu Bee, some money for SOF 2004,...and I'll try my best to get you some
peanut butter/jam recipes guaranteed to help you save.  :)
Simon, you better start saving to go in 2004,...and I'll start working out hard
at the gym so I can be able to hold you up in case you faint by Seikos presence,...or handshake.  :P

We all knew Seiko had it in her was just a matter of time.
