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Name: gogonaggy <E-mail>
Subject: pretty impressed by your insight, Shopgirl
Date: 2003/08/05 19:55:00
Reference: msg/03045

You're so right!  Budokan 0731 was mostly filled with non-regulars.
Actually the people who I went with that night are just that.
I went with a family whose father is a fan of Seiko, 
whose mother is a fan of Shinji, and whose sons are a fan of Sayaka.
Nobody in the family owns any CD of Seiko.
So their reactions were pretty picky and selfish but Seiko succeeded in
making them so into her show by the end.
I witnessed all of them waving their hands to "Natsu no Tobira"
and "20th Party".  They enjoyed themselves pretty well and wanted to
come back next year.  That night Seiko made at least 3 new regulars.

>ps. gogonaggy
>Budokan 0731 is easily my top3 in the last three years (#1 0801, #2 Saitama, #3 0731). 
>Unlike the other shows where you tend to see some overly eagerness from either 
>the crowd or the stage to try to make something happen, Budokan 0731 was mostly 
>filled with non-regulars, ie they will not be ga-ga just over anything. They are picky.
>But these very people started to stand, their emotions rosed to higher grounds 
>with each song and by the end of the show, you have a rocking hall. Phew! that 
>is hard to beat. I love Budokan 0801 and Saitama, because I am maniac fan. Best 
>said as there were no frills just sure good performance by Seiko+maniac fans. 
>I love Budokan 0731, because it gave me a chance to experience the highs of an 
>average non-fan enjoying a fabulous show by Seiko. Best said as there were no 
>frills just sure good performance by Seiko+audience. The difference is subtle, 
>but the returns were simple awesome.