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Name: Shopgirl <E-mail>
Subject: Re: pretty impressed by your insight, Shopgirl
Date: 2003/08/06 00:18:48
Reference: msg/03047


>I went with a family whose father is a fan of Seiko, 
>whose mother is a fan of Shinji, and whose sons are a fan of Sayaka.
>Nobody in the family owns any CD of Seiko.

Hmmm... I have heard that husbands who are fans of Seiko in Japan have a tough time ... :p hahahh

>So their reactions were pretty picky and selfish but Seiko succeeded in
>making them so into her show by the end...That night Seiko made at least 3 new regulars.

Exactly. Those who were not there, this remark by Gogonaggy exactly explains this magnificant phenomenum, 
this Seiko power that is back to what it really is, only much much stronger...
 I really wonder if Seiko realizes that herself to what extent this 'power' had been?

Anyway, there was another fan (a friend of mine) who after the Saitama show decided that 
this was THE year she would and could bring her mom and younger sister to because she felt that 
the Seiko she saw and experience was the one that did justice to Seiko herself and which this fan 
felt was the true form of the real STAR*VOCALIST Seiko. It was "now or never" (again, due to the 
several disappointments she have had over the last 3years... heard this many times.. ahhah). 

The mother was a very tradition elderly lady, the younger sister was almost an anti-Seiko
partly because my friend fan is a fan...  (you know how siblings are.)

She brought her mother on the first day (not the Budokan), and the sister on the second. 
The result? Both said that they are expecting a ticket again to next year's show. :)

I had also brought a same non-fan friend for 3 consecutive years.... the very next day after 
the Budokan 0731, a mail was sent to me thanking me for taking her and that she would definitely 
want to order the DVD Live this year for memory. (Now, this DVD cost 7000yen,.. 
she is unempolyed at the moment, and she wouldn't even consider buying Call Me single!)

Seiko, if you are reading.... READ AGAIN!!!!