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Name: Simon <E-mail>
Subject: Bodokan
Date: 2003/08/06 00:26:35

Hi Shopgirl and all

For those of you who live in JP, you have no idea how lucky
you are. To be able to experience Seiko singing Live every year.
For people who live on the other side of the planet (me and Doogie)
it is unimaginable, like Doogie said: all the stars and planets
have to line up for us to be able to make the journey. Zepp to
me is great, I was not there but thanks to DVD, I can feel some
of the energy, I just wish I understood more of the conversations
that went on on the DVD. But it's all about energy when going to a
concert, a CD cannot duplicate it. My personal best was 20th, that
was an amazing few days (Thanks), Then #2 is It's Style 95 (Even
Shopgirl did not see that Live, right? That was my first Seiko Live).
Then, #3 is Rolling Stones, I sat 4th row center, I think Mike Jaggar
spat at me when he was singing. The energy at these shows were amazing, 
the artists had to know how to work the crowd to make the best of it.
And the crowd must also give back the response.

Oh well, another year have gone by, Next year? Maybe! Hopefully.
For whatever it's worth, I am going to Fleetwood Mac in September.
I like them, since I was a teenager. But I am not obsess with
them, nor have they earned a shrine in the corner of my music room.
And I would never go to the other side of the planet to see them.

Thanks Shopgirl, coming from you is the next best thing to going.