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Name: SgFan <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Bodokan
Date: 2003/08/06 18:18:30
Reference: msg/03049

Dear all,

I am very happy to hear that Seiko's concerts this year are very good. As I
am not able to travel all the way to Japan to watch due to my work commitments, 
I definitely look forward to watch it on the DVD. I hope that SONY will release
the video without any cuts. I would like to see the entire concert.


Date:8/6/1998. Simon 's message 
>Hi Shopgirl and all
>For those of you who live in JP, you have no idea how lucky
>you are. To be able to experience Seiko singing Live every year.
>For people who live on the other side of the planet (me and Doogie)
>it is unimaginable, like Doogie said: all the stars and planets
>have to line up for us to be able to make the journey. Zepp to
>me is great, I was not there but thanks to DVD, I can feel some
>of the energy, I just wish I understood more of the conversations
>that went on on the DVD. But it's all about energy when going to a
>concert, a CD cannot duplicate it. My personal best was 20th, that
>was an amazing few days (Thanks), Then #2 is It's Style 95 (Even
>Shopgirl did not see that Live, right? That was my first Seiko Live).
>Then, #3 is Rolling Stones, I sat 4th row center, I think Mike Jaggar
>spat at me when he was singing. The energy at these shows were amazing, 
>the artists had to know how to work the crowd to make the best of it.
>And the crowd must also give back the response.
>Oh well, another year have gone by, Next year? Maybe! Hopefully.
>For whatever it's worth, I am going to Fleetwood Mac in September.
>I like them, since I was a teenager. But I am not obsess with
>them, nor have they earned a shrine in the corner of my music room.
>And I would never go to the other side of the planet to see them.
>Thanks Shopgirl, coming from you is the next best thing to going.