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Name: Doogie <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Thanks Gogonaggy
Date: 2003/08/09 05:58:15
Reference: msg/03059

The best thing I like about watching some of her past tv appearances (I have 
a few) is when she does talk in Japanese/English, etc. and no matter what
show she is on...always magical no matter what.  One thing that separates her
from all the 'other' female artists is that she is actually a very funny 
person and enjoyable to listen to,...even if one doesn't understand Japanese.

I have tapes I can send to Simon.  S-VHS,..only the best.  :)

Date:8/9/1998. gogonaggy 's message 

>Don't thank me.  Thank Seiko.
>I thoght I would edit out Seiko's talking in Japanese
>and send tapes.  Please ask Simon about tapes.
>I've emailed Simon.