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Name: Doogie <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Seiko, the born Entertainer
Date: 2003/08/10 16:08:45
Reference: msg/03063

Another thing I noticed about Seiko when she is on tv is that when she is
with other performers, or other MC's, or sharing the stage with any other
person (ie: Red & White?) is that she is very....VERY humble and that her
funny side definitely is subdued (hidden).  She just usually keeps to herself.
Or even with that show (pardon,..I don't know the name of it, but it hosts
those 2 really funny guys), even though Seiko is centre of attention, she is
very careful about stealing the show away from the hosts.
Seiko's funny side really shines when she is one-on-one with the interviewer
and knows that the show/interview/whatever depends on her to provide verbal
content....basically when she knows it's all right to be candid.
Seiko is completely unlike any of the 'other' professionals that I have seen,
and maybe that's why I would only go to great lengths to see this 'gem'.  :)

I'd like to see Seiko one day on the show 'Iron Chef'...and get her to be one
of the commentators.  :)

Date:8/10/1998. Shopgirl 's message 

>Your comment 
>"One thing that separates her from all the 'other' female artists is that she 
>is actually a very funny person and enjoyable to listen to,...even if one 
>doesn't understand Japanese."
>is absolutely true. Seiko used to have a few very highly acclaimed radio shows 
>in the early half of 80s. I was very very lucky to hear some of them. She was 
>so candid in her comments, and many times very witty even though we know she 
>was not intentionally trying to be so. (Idols at that time was not supposed to 
>have IQ). And many times too, I would end up funny my head off at alot of the 
>things that she said. I guess you are right, she is funny and a true born entertainer.
>On the other hand,  Sayaka who appeared in her first variety talk show on TV 
>last week really pales compared to the extreme end of the pole where her mother is.
>To be fair she was not that bad... but as a viewer, I would not have noticed a 
>difference in a Sayaka-in-picture from a Sayaka-live. With Seiko, no one 
>questions how gorgeous she looks in pics, but when you see her in action ie 
>live, any viewer will find another side of Seiko. The best analogy I can think of,
>is listening to Seiko on CDs and you think "wow, you have found a gem" ....but 
>what till you see the Seiko-on-stage. In this case Seiko-in-pic and Seiko-in-
>talkshows. Simply amazing!
>I guess this is what makes Seiko such a star, an in-born one.
>ps wishing you guys could understand the language and culture too so that you 
>could enjoy yet another higher level of Seiko-magic