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Name: Doogie <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Seiko, the born Entertainer
Date: 2003/08/11 15:58:13
Reference: msg/03069

I was laughing my head off when I heard her try to hum the theme song to
Darth Vader...and just her usual body language,'s just funny to watch her
squiggle here and there...  lots of hand gestures too.  :)

Boredom?...ha ha ha,'re right, maybe she is just bored by all the other
sub-stars,..can't even call some of them stars,..maybe just balls of gas... :)

Date:8/11/1998. Shopgirl 's message 

>>funny side definitely is subdued (hidden).  She just usually keeps to herself.
>>Or even with that show (pardon,..I don't know the name of it, but it hosts
>>those 2 really funny guys), even though Seiko is centre of attention, she is
>>very careful about stealing the show away from the hosts.
>er....I thought that was just boredom poorly concealed or politely controlled??!?
>another mark of as star.... :p