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Name: Benjamin Lee <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Seiko, the born Entertainer
Date: 2003/08/12 00:22:57
Reference: msg/03071

Dear Fans,

In the late 80s to mid 90s, I was in Honolulu and rented
all of the music videos (mainly 'Music Station') that Seiko
was presented.  I copied one 'Music Station Top 10 Special'
where fans voted most favourite Seiko songs Top 10.  
Another one that I copied was '94 Yoru no Hit Studio Xmas 
Special' where they aired the dinner show of Seiko singing
'Time for Love', 'Akai Sweet Pea', 'Last Xmas' and 
'Kagayaite....'  Both shows were simply....GREAT!

Gogonaggy, you must have a complete library. I'm impressed!
Siu Bee, are you taking Gogonaggy's offer?  I was wondering
if I should ask for my copy or borrow yours to view.

Benjamin Lee