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Name: Doogie <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Seiko, the born Entertainer
Date: 2003/08/12 03:06:34
Reference: msg/03073

I know the hotels have copies of the dinnershows (both of the ones I went to
were videotaped by hotel staff).
I really wonder if those tapes are available and how one would get to see them
or get a copy of them.
Maybe they are sitting somewhere inside the hotel, just waiting to be 
discovered.   :)

Date:8/12/1998. Benjamin Lee 's message 

>Dear Fans,
>In the late 80s to mid 90s, I was in Honolulu and rented
>all of the music videos (mainly 'Music Station') that Seiko
>was presented.  I copied one 'Music Station Top 10 Special'
>where fans voted most favourite Seiko songs Top 10.  
>Another one that I copied was '94 Yoru no Hit Studio Xmas 
>Special' where they aired the dinner show of Seiko singing
>'Time for Love', 'Akai Sweet Pea', 'Last Xmas' and 
>'Kagayaite....'  Both shows were simply....GREAT!
>Gogonaggy, you must have a complete library. I'm impressed!
>Siu Bee, are you taking Gogonaggy's offer?  I was wondering
>if I should ask for my copy or borrow yours to view.
>Benjamin Lee