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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Just a Thought
Date: 2003/09/17 12:00:15
Reference: msg/03105

Hmmm...Doogie and Simon, I think you're both on the right track.

Seiko could DO Phantom of the Opera...but with a twist. HS could BE the
Phantom, and instead of living under the Paris Opera House, he could live
under Budokan. Here's some sample dialogue:

Phantom: mean, SEIKO...come, sing the beautiful MUSIC OF
THE NIGHT I have written for you! Give it life everlasting!

Seiko: Sorry, Phantom...I appreciate the offer, but I've already recorded
HUNDREDS of songs, all of which are TEN TIMES BETTER than anything you could
ever write for me. Let me prove it to you as I sing them all now.

It sounds like a guaranteed hit to me....:-)

Best regards,


Date:9/17/1998. Doogie 's message 

>Yep, that would be nice.
>And I have a plot too,...  how Seiko gets rid of HS once and for all.
>We could call the play "Sweet Pea"
>Date:9/16/1998. Simon 's message 
>>There is a play call Mama Mia, it is written around all
>>the songs by ABBA. It is very popular, especially to ABBA fans.
>>Now I am sure with all the songs available, a similar play
>>can be done with Seiko's songs. Lots of songs, just a plot
>>to work them in. If you have seen Phantom of the Opera, you
>>will know what I am talking about.