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Name: Siu Bee <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Just a Thought
Date: 2003/09/18 02:20:25
Reference: msg/03106

Hey Mike,

Let me try to continue the story:

Phantom: Woo...(holding an electronic guitar and twist his body 
around once), what number of electronic voice are you playing with?
I never know there is such a beautiful and sweet instrument which 
can give this wonderful sound!!  Hurry!!  Hurry!!  Please tell me!
Woo...(and twist his body once again)

Seiko: Ooops!!  Sorry, it is not any artifical but my own natural
voice!  Also, I used to have someone who really have the heart to
write songs for me!  Do you understand what do I mean a heart is?

Phantom: Heart??  What is a heart?  Do you mean my two legs?
See, they are now covered with this tighty piece of leather pants?
What do you think?  Lovely?

Seiko: Oh no Phantom, heart is something pumping inside your body!  It gives
you energy!  It has a beat and you should be able to "feel" it.  I don't 
think you really have a heart or even understand what is a heart!

To be continued (someone may help)......

Siu Bee