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Name: Malthus <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Silver Speical Box Set
Date: 2003/10/12 05:36:11
Reference: msg/03120

WOW~ it sounds so great !! i wonder if i should buy that box set as i am waiting if 
Sony is going to release a 25 anniversary box set for Seiko (the one like Yamaguchi Momoe).

i had ask my friend about the TV broadcasting of Seiko's concert, the answer is he didn't
subscribe that channel..... poor me =_= ..... i guess there are some cuts that will not be appeared in DVD.

CDV is an old standard disc format and can only be played in laser disc player, it can't be read by computer dvd-rom even.
a good news for u that i am going to make it in dvd including Seiko Clips 1..... but still working on it.
