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Name: Benjamin Lee <E-mail>
Subject: HMV Chart questions
Date: 2003/12/15 00:54:39

Dear Fans,

I went into HMV Top 200 Cd and found out the following:-
Dec 10 Chart
No. 68 (9) - Another Side of Seiko 27

Dec 3 Chart
No 8 (new) - Another Side of Seiko 27
No 35 (new) - Another Side of Seiko 14

The Video DVD Top 50 as follow:-

Dec 10 Chart
No. 35 (8) Call Me 2003 Concert

Dec 3
No. 7 (new) Call Me 2003 Concert.

1) The number in parenthesis appears to be
the chart position last week.  But the Dec.
10 Chart's last week positions seemed to be
an error with one knot lower.  Is it wrong?

2) The first week of Another Side of Seiko
27 is no. 8.  But in oricon it is no. 44.
Why is there such a big variance?

I hope someone can answer for me.  Thanks

Benjamin Lee