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Name: Mike from S.C.
Subject: Five Years and Counting
Date: 2004/01/02 14:04:54
Hi everyone,
I just realized that January 3, 2004 will mark the five year anniversary of "Seiko Matsuda Forever."
So, in addition to my wish that you all have a very happy and prosperous New Year, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your support.
Thanks especially to Takachan for this site, still the "number one" of all and the one that showed me the "Seiko Fan Community" and created the desire in me to give something special back to these amazing people,
and another special thanks to...
someone who will read this and does not want to be thanked by name (so I will reluctantly honor that)...nonetheless, the single person most responsible the spirit and heart of the content found in both "SMF: The Remix" and "SMF Phase III." A person who understands joy, passion, and the true meaning of "Fight and Believe"...the "silent partner" of SMF who is just as responsible for the content on my sites as I am. Arigato Gozaimasu, a hundred times over.
Hopefully Seiko will feel a revitalization in her career, will hear a strong calling from her Muse, will dump SH (or HS, whichever you prefer)...and those of us who are in the "Seiko Web Site Business" will be there to celebrate it, share it with you, and stop talking about how magic things "used to be" and how wonderful they ARE. That's my 2004 wish...and for Seiko herself, health, happiness and love.
Best regards,