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Name: Simon <E-mail>
Subject: A Canadian Winter Night
Date: 2004/01/28 01:27:39

Happy New Year, wish you all get a chance to meet and even
hug Seiko, just like Siu Bee did. I guess I still can't get
over it.

I am probably the most northern located Seiko fan, except
maybe some penguins. BUT, no that's not possible, penguins
come from South Pole. Well, I do look like one after a heavy
meal. Anyway, it's the middle of the winter. It's dark, 
gloomy, snowing (15cm already and another 20cm to come),
the snow is not falling from the sky, it's going horizontally
because it is so windy as well. And to top it all off,
it is Freeeezing (-20 degree). That's the weather we have
here in Canada. At least, the East coast, those at the west
coast have it easy. They don't even have the white stuff on 
the ground. Their Santa deliver presents wearing shorts, 
right, Doogie? We don't consider them true Canadians.

But why do I still have a smile on my face? Because I finally
received my 2003 Call Me concert DVD in the mail. I ordered it
in November but our great Canada Post lost it but the nice people
at replaced it at no cost, that's amazing customer 
service. Anyway, after everyone went to bed, I went to my 
basement, turned on the fireplace, off goes the light and
in goes the DVD. I really enjoyed the concert, especially the
stage set with the screen display synchronized to the songs.
There are multiple camera angles feature on the disc. I must
say, Seiko dressed up as OL is a definite WOW! As a schoolgirl
and a cheerleader is a little bit too much, or maybe too late.

Overall, I really enjoyed it. It is formulated slightly different 
than the other concerts. The song selections were very good,
especially that song with the word "wine" in the title??
Sayaka still have a lot to learn, but she is getting better 
Of course I'd rather be there live, but I don't live near or 
close to JP like most of you. With dancing shadows casts by the
warm fire on the wall, I forgot about the winter, the
snow, the wind and the misery. For 2 hours, I was in heaven.

P.S.- although I was alone in the dark and in the basement
underground, I did not do the hand gestures during the concert
as none of the songs required it.