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Name: Doogie <E-mail>
Subject: Winter Wonderland
Date: 2004/01/29 16:17:24

You are so lucky to have the white stuff coming down and being able
to watch Seiko in your basement..hey isn't that where your Seiko shrine
is too?  :)
Us?...we're stuck inside too 'cuz who wants to be out in all this rain.
And in some parts we're getting freezing rain,..which basically means that
no matter how good your tires or how good your Toyota truck is, you'll still
go sliding off the road...woo hoo!

O.K., here's something to look forward to.  A wedding to photograph in JP
perhaps in Sept.  Any concerts during that time?  Well, maybe we can at
least climb Mt.Fuji?  Say, how is your August looking like?  SOF2004 perhaps?
Siu Bee, how's your schedule?  Anyone else?

Then there's always the dinnershows in December,...hmmm, Simon, now you can
get away from all that snow in T.O. and enjoy the warmth of Seiko singing to
you...maybe you'll get that warm JP hug after all these years waiting....just
be sure you don't yank her off the stage, o.k.

Have fun in the snow...send pics of your snowman.
