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Name: Simon
Subject: New Releases and SOF
Date: 2004/01/30 05:04:28
You are right Siu Bee, I have the Another Side of Seiko
14 & 27. The future release is the Best of Best. It doesn't
matter, although it is just another box set, another rip-off
but I got to have them all to complete my shrine. I checked
the catalog numbers of the singles, they must be re-issues,
probably in the regular size CD. That's a lot of CDs and money.
My shrine will become a temple, yes, that's it, temple for the
Goddess of music.
Doogie- September is too late, the summer tour will be over.
Tell the wedding party to move their wedding date up to
accomodate us, they would understand. Dinner show is not
good timing for me, besides I don't think fans can get close
after the last accident. There will probably be big black
body guards near the stage so that no crazy Canadian fans
can reach the stage (especially if they have big flag in their
hands. I kind of want to go to Osaka as well to visit my friend.
SOF 2004- come on everyone! Oh, and those cakes from the super-
market. Forget looking like a penguin, I'd look like a turkey
from eating those cakes.