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Name: Doogie <E-mail>
Subject: Re: CCD
Date: 2004/02/20 04:55:26
Reference: msg/03235

By the time any kind of CD wears out your CD player I'm sure there
will be other players out there that you will want to purchase.
I have heard though that keeping your player 'on' is not a good idea when
not in use as it could burn out your laser.
Also, CD players have gone the way of the BiC lighter, and disposable.

As for saving cash on your fast food experiences, Canadians try to eat cheap
by eating at the McD's sale days,...and from what I can remember in Tokyo, I
was able to by Fillet'o'Fish cheaper there than over here, even with the 
exchange rate!  Does HK have the same kind of McD's sales?

Date:2/19/1998. Benjamin Lee 's message 

>Dear all,
>I have the same question.  What is CCD?  If Copy Protected 
>CDs can wear out my CD player faster and most of new CDs
>are copy protected, what can we do?
>Yes, I am awaiting for SACDs from Squall to Citron.  But
>realizing that SACDs are very expensive, I also have to
>start saving and eat 'Cafe de Corol' (fast food chain
>in HK) everyday.
>Benjamin Lee