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Name: Doogie <E-mail>
Subject: Re: CCD
Date: 2004/02/25 07:46:42
Reference: msg/03243

Kool-Aid,...  lots and lots of Kool-Aid
(for those of you who don't know, Kool Aid is flavored sugar crystals that
kids put into water and sell to people on the sidewalk for 25cents..about 15
yen.  It's also the most favored drink by cult/concert goers and picnicers.
Many different flavors that all taste the same).

You can also splurge a bit on a Krispy Kreme donut once they arrive in Canada.
But watch out, donut = 10lbs on your body.

Date:2/25/1998. Simon 's message 

>Siu Bee, are you bidding on it. Quite nice set.
>But I want the CD single with the collector box.
>You just gave me an idea, peanut butter sandwichs
>and wash it down with curry snowball shake drink.
>But I don't know what to do when spring comes.