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Name: Doogie <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Seiko and Akina
Date: 2004/03/02 17:20:30
Reference: msg/03254

I have 1 or 2 kicking around, but the rest got sold at a used CD outlet.
I think the one that I remember being not bad was the one of her lying
down on black velvet wearing red high heels.  

Date:3/2/1998. Siu Bee 's message 

>That was indeed mentioned last year!  However, it seemed no one knows
>exactly on this album.  Neither HMV Japan nor Tower Records provided
>information about it.  It may have been released or only in process!
>However, I definitely will not buy it if it contains only the
>"repeat and repeat" list of songs same as in the bible series!
>Don't want to hurt my ears or damaged my hifi or player's "next"
>button in order to skip the "A" songs that I do not want to hear!
>Siu Bee