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Name: Mike From S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: King of the Hill
Date: 2004/04/01 05:51:15
Reference: msg/03285

Arigato gozaimasu Takachan!

Yes, Seiko has three words, but there is also a very cute "Seiko Giggle" after she says "Yeah"...

Thank you for the screen pictures. I'm sure that the people who were unable to see this episode will appreciate them very much.

Best regards,

Mike from S.C.

Date:3/31/1998. Takachan 's message 

>Hi,big fans,
>I'm takachan.
>"King of the Hill" was able to be seen at last also in Japan last week,
>29th March.
>I can listen Seiko's pretty voice and "Kimono Beat" 2 times.
>Seiko's word is 'Dance!','Wow' and 'Yeah' only.
>Story is 
>This story was 2 episode composition, I looked at that Seiko's name was specified at episode 21.
>Since I edited the picture, please see following large pics.
>Please see for the same magnification. 
>Story 1
>Story 2
>Story 3
>"Returning Japanese"
>Episode Season 6 No.20/21
>Original Airdate: 5/12/2002
>Date:5/21/1998. Mike from S.C. 's message 
>>Hi Willie and all,
>>Seiko's credit in "King Of The Hill" was a "blink and you miss it" credit at
>>the end of the episode (as detailed in my original post). Part one's "guest
>>voice" was David "King Fu" Carradine...
>>Best regards,
>>Date:5/21/1998. Willie Vasana 's message 
>>>I missed the "Returning Japanese" episode that Mike from S.C. found out when
>>>it was first aired on 5/12/02. The casts did not mention Seiko name. Oh, well.
>>>I will check the re-run date for this episode on Fox and will let you fans know.
>>>If you want to read the story on this episode or want to know more about what
>>>this show is all about, check this:
>>>Click on "Season 6 2001-2002" and scroll down to choose "Returning Japanese."
>>>P.S. Nothing on Seiko at CNN or Fox. Sorry, Shopgirl.